Virtual Field Guide - Navigation tables

List of locations, their bioclimatic subzones and features such as vegeation, habitat types and litology.
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Location Subzone Key words Lithology
Blomstrandhalvøya B+ pH alkaline; weakly continental; high wind exposure; Dryas heath; ridges; meltwater streams and springs Marble
Leinstranda C- pH circumneutral; oceanic; mesic tundra; raised beaches; solifluction; polygons Phyllite/Quartz-carbonate schist/Dolomite
Kapp Nathorst C+ pH alkaline; continental; devonian sandstone; Dryas heath; Cassiope heath; hummocks; salt marshes with zonation Sandstone/Marine deposits
Hemsedalen C+ pH circumneutral; weakly continental; Cassiope heath; erosion; cliffs; bird-manured medow; moss tundra; hummocks; moraines; relict vegetation; erosion; solifluction Chert/Shale/Sandstone/Limestone/Moraine
Flintholmen C+ pH circumneutral; weakly continental; former shorelines; lichen communities Sandstone/Moraine
Bohemanneset C pH circumneutral; weakly oceanic; shallow mires; wetlands; hummocky micro-topography; ridges Sandstone/Conglomerate
Trygghamna B pH circumneutral; weakly ; mesic tundra; solifluction; polygons; recent deglaciation; pioneer vegetation; meltwater influence Phyllite/Quartzite/Moraine
Selmaneset B pH circumneutral; oceanic; foldbelt; snow accumulation; ridges; snowbeds; manuring Chert/Shale/Sandstone/Limestone
Kapp Linné B pH alkaline - circumneutral; oceanic; raised beach; mesic tundra; manuring; grubbing; fresh water systems; lakes; ponds; polygons Diamictite/Marine deposits
Bjørndalen (Seasonal) C pH circumneutral; weakly continental; exposed valley; moss tundra; tallus slopes; ridges; Dryas heath; seasonal variation Sandstone/Shale/Glacial deposits/Marine deposits
Endalen (Seasonal) C+ pH circumneutral; weakly continental; sheltered valley; Cassiope heath; Dryas heath; early grass-dominated snowbeds; stabalized riverbeds; wetland; seasonal variation Sandstone/Shale/Glacial deposits
Adventdalen (Seasonal) C pH circumneutral; weakly continental; open valley; wetland; mire; Cassiope heath Glacial deposits/Marine deposits
Kapp Johannesen A-/B pH circumneutral; oceanic; high disturbance; late snowbeds; polar desert; ridges Shale/Siltstone/Sandstone
Midterhuken B pH circumneutral; oceanic; manuring; bird cliff meadow; moss tundra Phyllite/Quartzite
Calypsostranda B pH alkaline; oceanic; raised beach; mesic tundra; polygons; glacier foreland; moraine; succession Moraine/Sandstone
Stuphallet B pH circumneutral; oceanic; manuring; bird cliff meadow; moss tundra; tallus slopes Limestone/Dolomite/Carbonate/Sandstone/Conglomerate/Shale/Glaci-fluvial deposits
Knudsenheia B pH circumneutral; oceanic; goose ponds, bird manured tundra, moss tundra Moraine/Marine deposits
Midtre Lovénbreen B pH circumneutral; oceanic; glacial forland; patterned ground; plant colonization; pioneer plant species Glacial deposits
Ny-Ålesund Research town
Svea Former mining settlement
Billefjorden Virtual Marine Guide A tour onboard the Research Vessel Hanna Resvoll-Holmsen to retrieve benthos samples in Billefjorden
R/V Helmer Hanssen Virtual Marine Guide A tour onboard the Research Vessel Helmer Hanssen on a journey nearby Ny-Ålesund

What is a bioclimatic subzone? Read about it here.