Virtual Field Guide - Navigation tables
List of "To Notice" information nodes in the VFGs. They can contain information about anything relevant for that particular location.
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Title | Subtitle | Found in |
Dry calcareous ridges | Calcarous soil are alkaline (high pH), due to excess calcium carbonate. | Blomstrandhalvøya |
Influence of geese | Geese stay close to lakes during molting. | Blomstrandhalvøya |
Ny-Londond | Abondoned mining settlement, now cultrual heritage. | Blomstrandhalvøya |
Solifluction lobes | Visible lobe shapes due to freeze-thaw activity. | Leinstranda |
Skua mound | Green spots created by nutrient input by the Arctic skua. | Leinstranda |
The benefits of being a chusion | And how it impacts the rest of the community. | Leinstranda |
Rain-on-snow event | Discover the consequences of rain-on-snow events. | Kapp Nathorst |
Origin of driftwood | Where does all the driftwood on Svalbard originate from? | Kapp Nathorst |
Salt marshes and zonation | The unique communities in salt marshes. | Kapp Nathorst |
Influence of geese | Nesting geese provide nutrients to surrounding area. | Hemsedalen & Flintholmen |
Shift in vegetation | A shift from grass to moss dominated vegetation. | Hemsedalen & Flintholmen |
Grassy meadow | Thich and dense grass surrounding the river environment. | Hemsedalen & Flintholmen |
Moraine contrast | Contrast in vegetation due to glacial retreat. | Hemsedalen & Flintholmen |
An island covered with lichen | A lichen is dominating on Flintholmen | Hemsedalen & Flintholmen |
Rare plant found in Svalbard | The Svalbard population of C. pallasii are the only ones in NW Europe and by far the northernmost ones known in the world. | Bohemanneset |
Human influence | Long lasting impact of a human settlement. | Trygghamna |
Fold-and-Thrust belt | Geological formation seen across Spitsbergen | Trygghamna |
Alkhornbreen | Looking back 100 years at a glacier and how it has altered the environment | Trygghamna |
Selmaneset 3D model | Created by Svalbox | Trygghamna |
Arctic polygons | Landscape patterns due to seasonal freezeing & thawing. | Kapp Linné |
Arctic freshwater habitats | Lakes under harsh Arctic conditions still hosts life | Kapp Linné |
Harbivore disturbance | Herbivore foraging impact on vegetation | Kapp Linné |
Raised beach | Lifting of the landscape post-glaciation | Kapp Linné |
Bird sancturary and geotope protected area | Two protected areas around by this locations | Kapp Linné |
Isfjord radio | Radio station, hotel and weather station. | Kapp Linné |
Fossils in Svalbard | There are a lot of fossils in Svalbard | Kapp Johannesen |
Biological soil crust | Community of microbes, lichen and others, living on the soil surface | Kapp Johannesen |
Nutrient enrichment | Birds transport large amounts of nutrients from sea to land | Midterhuken, Stuphallet |
Grazing contrast | Contrast in vegetation due to geological refuges | Midterhuken |
Hunting & trapping | The nearby island of Akseløya is a good loctaion for hunting and trapping in the area. | Midterhuken |
3D model of Midterhuken | View the area during summer in 3D | Midterhuken |
Calypsobyen | Cultural heritage from 1900s | Calypsostranda |
Renardbreen | A look back at the historical extend of this glacier. | Calypsostranda |
Glacial disturbance and periglacial disturbance | Different forms of disturbance around Calypsostranda. | Calypsostranda |
Grubbing | Pink-footed geese forages on the belowground plant parts, roots and rhizomes (...) | Adventdalen |
MAB research station | The MAB (Man and Biosphere) research station was built in 1977-1980 (...) | Adventdalen |
Reindeer population - Adventdalen | The reindeer population in Adventdalen have been annually monitored since 1979 (...) | Adventdalen |
Old snow fence | The wooden snow fences found in this area dates back to 2006 (...) | Adventdalen |
Snowmelting in Bjørndalen | Snowmelting video time lapse. | Bjørndalen |
Malaise trap | This trap is designed to catch flying invertebrates (...) | Bjørndalen |
Weather station | Weather station operated by the Arctic biology department at UNIS. | Bjørndalen |
Nutrient enriched streams | Streams transporting moisture with nutrients from bird cliff. | Stuphallet |
Glacifluvial deposit ridge | The ridge originates from an earlier erosion and deposition of sediments carried by glacial meltwater from a glacier. | Stuphallet |
Reddish sandstone deposits | The deposit derived from desert sand crop when Svalbard was located at the same latitude at the North African desert, around 290-360 million years ago. | Stuphallet |
Reindeer population - Brøggerhalvøya | The reindeer on Brøggerhalvøya was reintroduced to the area in 1978 with 15 animals after been extinct for several decades due to hunting. | Stuphallet |
Herbivore exclosures | Enclosures serve as protective barriers, preventing reindeers and geese from foraging in designated areas. | Stuphallet |
Vegetation at Stuphallet | Vegetation varies along a nutrient and moisture gradient at Stuphallet. | Stuphallet |